Tech Entrepreneurs: Does your Startup need a Patent?

Patent Secrets that you need to know before starting any patent...

This #1 Amazon best-selling book reveals 3 proven patent secrets and 4 untapped business secrets that routinely unlock higher value patents, faster, for less...

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In the last 20 years, Craige has built Patent Portfolios for many top Tech companies

In Patent Offense, Craige reveals how to Start-Up Technology Entrepreneurs can

Out-Patent the Fortune 500!

Here's what you can expect inside


Harvest the Invention in a properly-engineered Kick-off Meeting


Determine your relevant closest "Prior Art Landscape" so can resolve the delta of your invention


Articulate a clear Point of Novelty in a Single Sentence: this drives the rest of the Patent Process (warning: secret sauce! This is rarely, if ever, done anywhere else.)


Determine whether the Point of Novelty is Aligned with a Commercially Valuable Chokepoint


Verify the Point of Novelty supports a sufficiently profitable, most-likely business case 


Brainstorm Monetization Strategies based on the Point of Novelty to Maximize Monetization Potential


Develop a Prioritized Claim Strategy based on enforcement and business considerations


The author teaches you how to save cost by weeding out bad ideas at early phase, channel on a right direction, lock on right decision.

A must-have for every product developer.

Steve P., CEO

The Patent Offense Book is a must read for every inventor and company with IP. The book lays out a very methodical and low cost method for getting the most of every patentable idea and abandoning those which have little future value.

LBorbala Banto, CEO, CPA

A must have for every patent portfolio manager! Thank you, Craige, for sharing your expertise and insights with us!

MB Link, CEO

Fantastic. Every successful business person needs a copy of this book.


A must for every portfolio manager!

Francois, CEO

Wow impressively informative. This book will certainly improve anyone's knowledge in the field.

The Patent Game is won (or lost) at the start of your patent journey.

Uncontrollable Factors

The biggest uncontrollable factor in any patent application is all the knowledge that is already known in the public domain.

This public domain knowledge relevant to your invention is called your "prior art landscape."

Patent Offense reveals an extraordinarily powerful system of tactics and strategies not only

  (i) to get clear about the relevant prior art landscape, but also

  (ii) to extract maximum value from your inventive technology

so you can obtain the most valuable patent possible given the prior art landscape that already exists.  

Controllable Factors

Two controllable factors in any patent application determine your Return on Investment (ROI):

  (i) money you save by not investing in the wrong inventions; and,

  (ii) profit you can gain from a properly engineered and monetized patent.

Patent Offense teaches a proven system with a phalanx of secret tactics and strategies engineered to manufacture new opportunities to maximize savings, profits, and ROI.









By informing the initial Planning Phase your Patent Journey with the 7 Step Strategic Patent Assessment, you can dramatically improve every phase that follows.

Go "an inch wide and a mile deep" on the key patentable aspects, so you don't pay an expensive attorney to waste time describing unpatentable "prior art"

Hit closer to the bullseye on the first shot, so you can get a patent through the Patent Office faster, with less argument and amendment, saving you months or years, and many thousands of dollars while the Patent Office and your Patent Attorney fight over an increasingly "beaten-up" patent that is rejected repeatedly over a lengthy, expensive prosecution

Smoother prosecution focused on maximizing your claim scope that is properly aligned with your commercially valuable chokepoint(s) produces a more valuable issued patent in less time.

Patent Offense shows the Right Way to Start Any Patent

Cut right to the heart of what is important so you can avoid wasting time, energy and substantial legal fees describing and claiming the wrong things!  

  • Define a Clear Patent Strategy: Enjoy the control and certainty of a solid, 7-Step Strategic Patent Assessment process to reliably vet any invention 

  • Proven System: Generate the ideal inputs that empower any Patent Attorney to draft and prosecute the highest quality, most cash-efficient patent of their career.

  • Build High Value IP Assets: Dramatically build value on the Balance Sheet by creating Litigation Quality Patents... because Litigation Quality Patents Generate more revenue, faster!

  • Maximize ROI: Dramatically build value on the Balance Sheet by creating Litigation Quality Patents... because Litigation Quality Patents Generate more revenue, faster!

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